Avondale Community College

Leaving Cert Vocational Programme (LCVP)

LCVP is a programme which runs alongside the traditional Leaving Cert Programme. Students qualify for the LCVP based on the optional subjects they have chosen from two groupings (see below). LCVP is considered an extra subject by the State Examinations Commission and the Central Applications Office for college points allocation. The points are awarded as follows:

  • Distinction 70 points
  • Merit 50 points
  • Pass 30 points

The LCVP subject groupings are as follows:

Specialist Groupings

  1. Construction Studies; Engineering; Design and Communication Graphics; Technology - Any Two
  2. Physics and Construction Studies or Engineering or Technology or Design & Communication Graphics
  3. Agricultural Science and Construction Studies or Engineering or Technology or Design & Communication Graphics
  4. Agricultural Science and Chemistry or Physics or Physics/Chemistry
  5. Home Economics; Agricultural Science; Biology - Any Two
  6. Home Economics and Art - Design Option or Craft Option
  7. Accounting; Business; Economics - Any two
  8. Physics and Chemistry
  9. Biology and Chemistry or Physics or Physics/Chemistry
  10. Biology and Agricultural Science
  11. Art - Design Option or Craft Option and Design & Communication Graphics

Services Groupings

  1. Engineering or Technology or Construction Studies or Design & Communication Graphics and Accounting or Business or Economics
  2. Home Economics and Accounting or Business or Economics
  3. Agricultural Science and Accounting or Business or Economics
  4. Art Design or Craftwork Option and Accounting or Business or Economics
  5. Music and Accounting or Business or Economics
Jan 30
Mock Exams
Feb 17
Mid Term Break
Mar 04
First Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Mar 17
Bank Holiday
Rathdrum, Co.Wicklow.
0404 46 445
Kildare & Wicklow Educational Training Board
© 2025 Avondale Community College