Avondale Community College

U15 Soccer

U15 Soccer
If you have a weak heart it was best not to attend the match that took place at Whitegates yesterday between the Avondale CC and Wicklow Educate Together U15 teams. A 7-7 draw was the result between two teams who gave everything they could to make sure the few spectators experienced a breathtaking match.
While the home team, Wicklow Educate Together, were a physically stronger team, the skillful and well organised Avondale team proved how sometimes David can have a chance against Goliath.
The Avondale CC team started from the beginning to play good football creating a few chances to take the lead. The home team instead played in counterattack using their physicality until they found the net with a good shot from far. Avondale did not lose time and quickly found the equaliser with another long shot from Shane Kennedy.
The Wicklow team was not ready to give up on earning three points and with their usual counterattacks they blew the net three times to bring the result to 4-2 at half time.
The second half started how it finished: the skilful Avondale players trying to manoeuvre the ball searching for the right gap to shorten the distance in the score, and the home team counterattacking with long balls and using all the spaces left by the opponent team.
The goal line changed again in a matter of minutes becoming first 5-2 and then 5-3 and finally 6-3 for the home team.
When the match looked like it had been put to an end, the Avondale players did not agree and never stopped working hard and contested every ball. All their efforts were repaid when Shane, D.J. and Darragh O'Brien brought the match to a level, with Avondale taking the lead with three minutes to go.
The 7-6 did not last long, as with a few seconds to the end, the home team converted a free kick into a goal after the cross bar was hit.
The final whistle put the Avondale team into discomforting regret by going so close to finalise an epic come back.
The two teams and coaches shook hands in the awareness they contributed to a unique day of fair and competitive game.
Well done the our U15 players who proved how dedication, determination and mental strength brings success. Ms. Canosa
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