At Avondale Community College we have a dedicated team that focuses on improving Literacy across all subjects. This team is led by Ian Clarke, one of our English teachers. The targets in our current DEIS plan focus on encouraging all our Junior and Senior Cycle students to read for enjoyment. In 2020/2021 we introduced a lunchtime Junior Reading Club. Transition Year students lead this project in conjunction with our DEIS Co-Ordinator Carol Doyle. This club will continue in 2021/2022 with new first year students joining. Due to the success of the Junior Reading Club, Ian Clarke will be starting a new Senior Reading Club at lunchtimes this year also. There will be some other exciting Literacy projects during the year including ”The Big Book Swap” early in the new year. We will keep you up to date with these events on our Facebook page.
At Avondale Community College we have a dedicated team that focuses on improving Numeracy across all subjects. This team is currently led by our DEIS Co-Ordinator, Carol Doyle. The targets in our current DEIS plan focus on timing in exams, converting fractions to percentages and problem-solving skills. This year we welcome PDST (The Professional Development Services for Teachers) onsite to assist us in our Numeracy planning. We will be surveying students during 2021/2022 in relation to Numeracy and developing new targets based on these results.